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* I only include links to open source content. If you do not have institutional access,  please send a kind email request for the paper (agarwal at .

Journal Articles and Book Chapters


Agarwal, S. C. (2024). The disposability and inclusion of Brown bodies. American Journal of Biological Anthropology, e25003.


Agarwal, S.C. (2024). The bioethics of skeletal anatomy collections from India. Nat Commun 15, 1692 (2024).


Andrew Wooyoung  Kim and Sabrina C. Agarwal (2023). From Ancient Pathogens to Modern Pandemics: Integrating Evolutionary, Ecological, and Sociopolitical Dynamics of Infectious Disease and Pandemics through Biological Anthropology. American Journal of Biological Anthropology.


Trombley, T ,Goodson, C and S.C.Agarwal. (2023).Medieval Mouths in Context: Biocultural and Multi-Scalar Considerations of the Mouth and the Case of Late-Medieval Villamagna, Italy, Medieval Archaeology, 67:1, 187-220, DOI: 10.1080/00766097.2023.2204729


Trombley,TM, Beauchesne, PD, Agarwal, SC, Kinkopf, K, Goodson, C, Candilio, C, Coppa, A, and M.  Rubini. (2023). Growing up at Villamagna: Sex, gender, and stress during growth and development in a medieval Italian community. Bioarchaeology International. January 25, 2023,


Kinkopf, K.M., Agarwal, S.C., V. Giuffra, Minozzi, S., Campana, S., Caramella, D., and Riccomi, G. (2022). Contextualizing bilateral asymmetry and gender: A multivariate approach to femoral cross-sectional geometry at rural Medieval Pieve di Pava, Italy.  American Journal of Biological Anthropology. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.24625, 2022;1–23.


Buikstra, J. E., DeWitte, S. N., Agarwal, S. C., Baker, B. et al. (2022). Twenty-first century bioarchaeology: Taking stock and moving forward. American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 1– 61.



Agarwal, S.C. (2022), What does pandemic response and recovery look like through the lens of anthropogenic violence and inequality?. Economic Anthropology, 9: 158-162.


Agarwal, S.C. and Brenda Baker (2021). From the Foundation to a Vision of the Future: A Note from the Founding Editors. Bioarchaeology International. 


Agarwal, S. C. (2021). What is normal bone health? A bioarchaeological perspective on meaningful measures and interpretations of bone strength, loss, and aging. American Journal of Human Biology, e23647.


Kinkopf, K., Agarwal S,C., Goodson, C., Beauchesne, P. Trombley, T.M., Candilio, F., Rubini, M., and A. Coppa. (2020). Economic access influences degenerative spine disease outcomes at rural Late Medieval Villamagna (Lazio, IT). American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Early view.


Agarwal, S.C. and Brenda Baker (2021). From the Foundation to a Vision of the Future: A Note from the Founding Editors. Bioarchaeology International, VOL. 4 NO. 3–4 (2020).  


Goren, H.P,  S.C. Agarwal, and Patrick Beauchesne (2020). Interpreting mortuary treatment from histological bone diagenesis: A case study from Neolithic Çatalhöyük. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. Early View 14 October 2020


Trombley, T.M. Trombley, Agarwal, S.C.,. Beauchesne, P.D, Goodson, C., Candilio, F., Coppa, A. and  Mauro Rubini (2019). Making sense of medieval mouths: Investigating sex differences of dental pathological lesions in a late medieval Italian community. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 169 (2): 253-269. 28 MARCH 2019.


Miller M.J., Agarwal S.C., Aristizabal, L, Langebaek Rueda CH. (2018). The daily grind: Sex- and age-related activity patterns inferred from cross-sectional geometry of long bones in a pre-Columbian muisca population from Tibanica, Colombia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 167(2): 311-326.  21 MAY 2018. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.23629


Agarwal, S.C. (2018). Understanding Bone Aging, Loss, and Osteoporosis in the Past. In: Katzenberg, AK and Grauer, A. (Eds) Biological Anthropology of the Human Skeleton (3rd ed). Wiley-Liss: NY


Beauchesne, P., and S.C. Agarwal (2018). Finding the Children in Childhood: Interdisciplinarity and Biocultural Approaches. In: Beauchesne, P., and S.C. Agarwal (eds). Children and Childhood in the Past. University of Florida Press.


Miller M.J., Agarwal S.C., Langebaek Rueda CH. (2018) Dietary Histories: Tracing food consumption practices from childhood through adulthood using stable isotope analysis. In: Beauchesne, P., and S.C. Agarwal (eds). Children and Childhood in the Past. University of Florida Press.


Agarwal, Sabrina (2017). Skeletal biology in anthropology in The International Encyclopedia of Biological Anthropology, Wenda Trevathan (ed).  John Wiley and Sons, Inc.


Beauchesne, B., and S.C. Agarwal. (2017). A Multi-Method Assessment of Bone Maintenance and Loss in an Imperial Roman Population: Implications for Future Studies of Age-related Bone Loss in the Past. American Journal of Physical Anthropology: 5 JUN 2017. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.23256


Baker, B.J., and Agarwal, S.C. (2017). Stronger Together: Advancing a Global Bioarchaeology. Bioarchaeology International. Volume 1, Numbers 1-2: 1–18. DOI: 10.5744/bi.2017.1005


Agarwal, S.C. (2017). Understanding Sex and Gender-Related Patterns of Bone Loss and Health in the Past: A Case Study from the Neolithic Community of Çatalhöyük. In: Agarwal, S.C and J. Wesp. Exploring Sex and Gender in Bioarchaeology. University of New Mexico Press. pp 165-188.


Agarwal, S.C., and Wesp, J.K. (2017). Preface. In: Agarwal, S.C and J. Wesp. Exploring Sex and Gender in Bioarchaeology. University of New Mexico Press. pp vi-x.


Agarwal, S.C (2016) Bone morphologies and histories: Life course approaches in bioarchaeology. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, Am. J. Phys. Anthropol., 159: S130–S149


Agarwal, S.C .and Miller, M. (2016). Nutrition and Bone Loss in Antiquity. In: Julia Lee-Thorp and M. Anne Katzenberg (eds). The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Diet. Oxford University Press: Oxford


Agarwal, S.C,  P. Beauchesne, B. Glencross, C.S. Larsen, L. Meskell, C. Nakamura, J. Pearson, and J.W. Sadvari. (2015). Roles for the sexes: the (bio)archaeology of women and men at Çatalhöyük. In: “Assembling Çatalhöyük, Publisher: European Association of Archaeologists, Themes in Contemporary Archaeology, Vol. 1, Leeds: Maney Publishing. Editors: I. Hodder, A. Marciniak, pp.87-95


Larsen, C.S, , S.W. Hillson, B. Boz, M.A. Pilloud, J.W. Sadvari, S.C. Agarwal, B.Glencross, P. Beauchesne, J.Pearson, C.B. Ruff, E.M. Garofalo, L.D. Hager, S.D. Haddow, and C.J. Knüsel. (2015). Bioarchaeology of Neolithic Òªatalhöyük: Lives and Lifestyles of an Early Farming Society in Transition. Journal of World Prehistory (April 3: 2015)


Nelson, D.A., Agarwal, S.C., and Linda Darga (2014). Bone Health From An Evolutionary Perspective (Development in Early Human Populations). In:  Michael F. Holick, Jeri Nieves (eds). Nutrition and Bone Health 2nd edition. Springer, New York


Hillson, S.W., C.S. Larsen, B.Boz, M.A. Pilloud, J.W. Sadvari, Sabrina C. Agarwal, B. Glencross, P. Beauchesne,  J.Pearson, C.B. Ruff, E.M. Garofalo, L. Hager, and S.D. Haddow (2013). In The human remains I: Interpreting community structure, health and diet in Neolithic Çatalhöyük. In Hodder I (ed.): Humans and Landscapes of Çatalhöyük: Reports from the 2000-2008 Seasons. Los Angeles: Cotsen  Institute of Archaeology; London: British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara.


Agarwal, S.C (2012). A Bioarchaeology of Social Identity. New Directions in Bioarchaeology Part II. The SAA Archaeological Record. May 2012: 29-31


Agarwal, S.C (2012) The Past of Sex, Gender, and Health: Bioarchaeology of the Aging Skeleton. American Anthropologist 114(2):322-335.


M.Voltolini, H-R.Wenk, J.G.Barreiro, and S.C. Agarwal. (2011) Hydroxylapatite lattice preferred orientation in bones: A study on macaque, human, and bovine samples. Journal of Applied Crystallography.44, 928-934.


Beauchesne, P. and S.C. Agarwal. Age-related cortical bone maintenance and in Imperial Roman population. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. (2014).Volume 24, Issue 1, pages 15–30, January/February 2014. First published online in Wiley Online Library( DOI: 10.1002/oa.1303


Agarwal, S.C and Beauchesne, P. (2011). It is Not Carved in Bone: Development and Plasticity of the Aged Skeleton, In: Agarwal, S.C and Glencross, B. (eds), Social Bioarchaeology, Wiley-Blackwell (New York).pp. 312-332.


Agarwal, S.C and Bonnie Glencross. (2011). Building a Social Bioarchaeology. In: Agarwal, S.C and Glencross, B. (eds), Social Bioarchaeology, Wiley-Blackwell (New York).


Glencross, B  and Agarwal, S.C. (2011). An Investigation of Cortical Bone Loss and Fracture Patterns in the Neolithic Community of Çatalhöyük, Turkey using Metacarpal Radiogrammetry .Journal of Archaeological Science(38)3:513-521.


Agarwal, SC, Glencross, B (2010). Examining Nutritional Aspects of Bone Loss and Fragility across the Life Course in Bioarchaeology. In: Moffat, T, and Prowse, T (eds). Human Diet and Nutrition in Biocultural Perspective: Past Meets Present (Studies of the Biosocial Society). Berghahn Press (Oxford, New York). Pp.197-222


Agarwal, S.C., and Grynpas, M.D. (2009). Measuring and Interpreting Age-related Loss of Vertebral Bone Mineral Density in a Medieval Population. American Journal of Physical Anthropology: (139)2: 244 - 252


Agarwal, S.C. (2008). Light and Broken Bones: Examining and Interpreting Bone Loss and Osteoporosis in Past Populations. In: Katzenberg, AK and Saunders, S. (Eds) Biological Anthropology of the Human Skeleton (2nded). Wiley-Liss: NY, pp. 387-410.


Nelson, D.A., Sauer, N., and Agarwal, S.C. (2004). Evolutionary aspects of bone health: Development in early human populations.  In:  Holick M and Dawson-Hughes B, (eds). Nutrition and Bone Health. Totowa NJ: Humana Press Inc.


Agarwal, S.C., M. Dimitriu, and M.D. Grynpas. Medieval Trabecular Bone Architecture: The Influence of Age, Sex and Lifestyle. (2004). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 124(1):33-44.


Agarwal, S.C., and Stuart-Macadam, P. 2004. Reproduction and the Female Skeleton. In: Agarwal, S.C., and Stout, S.D. (eds.). Bone Loss and Osteoporosis: An Anthropological Perspective. Kluwer Plenum Academic Press.


Brickley, M.B. and Agarwal, S.C. 2004. Techniques for the Investigation of Age-Related Bone Loss and Osteoporosis in Archaeological Bone. In: Agarwal, S.C., and Stout, S.D. (eds). Bone Loss and Osteoporosis: An Anthropological Perspective. Kluwer Plenum Academic Press.


Nelson, D.A., Sauer, N., and Agarwal, S.C. (2002). Evolutionary Aspects of Bone Health Clinical Reviews in Bone and Mineral Metabolism. 1(3):169-179.


Agarwal, S.C., and Grynpas, M.D. (1996). Bone Quantity and Quality in Past Populations. The Anatomical Record. 246:423-432.



Edited Volumes 


P. Beauchesne and S.C. Agarwal (eds.) (2018). Children and Childhood in the Past. University of Florida Press.


Agarwal, S.C. and J. Wesp (eds.) (2017). Exploring Sex and Gender in Bioarchaeology. University of New Mexico Press.


Agarwal , S.C and B. Glencross (eds). (2011) Social Bioarchaeology, Wiley-Blackwell  Press, New York).


Agarwal, S.C., and Stout, S.D. (eds.) (2003). Bone Loss and Osteoporosis: An Anthropological Perspective. Kluwer Plenum Academic Press.




Soluri, K. and S.C. Agarwal (in press). Laboratory Manual and Workbook for Biological Anthropology.. W. W. Norton & Company.


Soluri, K. and S.C. Agarwal (2016). Laboratory Manual and Workbook for Biological Anthropology, Engaging with Human Evolution. W. W. Norton & Company



E-Publications and Popular Articles


Trombley, T., Agarwal, S. C, Beauchesne, P., & Goodson, C. (2018). Evidence for Teeth-as-Tools and Palliative Oral Hygiene at Late Medieval Villamagna. Stahl Research Reports, 26. Permalink


Sabrina C. Agarwal. (2017). Reading the Bones. Natural History Magazine. May: 26-29. Also:


Pilloud, Marin A., Scott D. Haddow, Clark Spencer Larsen, Christopher J. Knüsel, Jessica Pearson, Marco Milella, Simon Hillson, Christopher Ruff, Evan Garafolo, Joshua Sadvari, Basak Boz, Lori D. Hager, Sabrina Agarwal, Bonnie Glencross, Patrick Beauchesne.. (2015). The People of Çatalhöyük. Aktuel Arkeoloji. (published in Turkish and English).


Agarwal, Sabrina C, Beauchesne, Patrick, Kinkopf, Katherine, and Trombley, Trent. (2015) A Bioarchaeological Study of Growth, Aging, and Lifestyle in Medieval Rural Italy:

Archaeological Research Facility Field Reports



Chilcote, Celise, Waters-Rist, Andrea L, Hoogland, Menno H, Agarwal, Sabrina C. (2015) A Biocultural Approach to Social Identity at Historical Middenbeemster. Archaeological Research Facility Field Reports



Agarwal, S., Glencross, B., and Beauchesne, P. (2011). Bone Growth, Maintenance and Loss in the Neolithic Community of Çatalhöyük, Turkey: Preliminary Results. Archaeological Research Facility Laboratory Reports, Archaeological Research Facility, UC Berkeley. Permalink:



Lab Book Biological Anthropology Agarwal Soluri
Children Childhood Bioarchaeology Agarwal
Sex Gender Bioarchaeology Agarwal
Social Bioarchaeology Agarwal
Osteoporosis Bone Loss Anthropology Agarwal
Bioarchaeology International Agarwal
Lab Book Biological Anthropology Agarwal Soluri
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Agarwal Skeletal Biology Lab,

Department of Anthropology,

University of California, Berkeley.

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© 2022 Sabrina C. Agarwal

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